
THE Design “Dream Kit” direct mail campaign

more details: “envelope and post cards”

The Black Book was only part of the “Dream Kit” that we mailed to several thousand dentists across the country. We packaged it in a bright envelope (This image does not properly convey the brightness of the envelope.) with two postcards.

the dreamkit envelopeenvelope

For the first mailing of this kit, the first card promoted the live, in-person dental office design conferences THE Design hosts across the country and the second the tele-seminar they hosted on May 2, 2005.

the dreamkit conference card frontconference card front
the dreamkit conference card rearconference card rear
the dreamkit teleseminar card fronttele-seminar card front
the dreamkit teleseminar card reartele-seminar card rear

For the second mailing of the kit, the same first card was instead paired with a calendar card that listed all the of conferences and tele-seminars on one side and promoted their e-Course (Which is essentially the conference in CD form.) available for purchase.

the dreamkit calendar card frontcalendar card front
the dreamkit calendar card rearcalendar card rear

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